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Stability, Mobility & Adaptability Workshop In order to be resilient we have to be adaptable. Being adaptable is a balance between stability and mobility and an interplay between muscles, fascia and the nervous system. In this workshop learn:-

  • Why you feel tight or restricted in some areas of the body and how strength and stability can promote flexibility
  • the difference between stabilty vs rigidity
  • the difference between mobility vs flexibility
  • The role of the nervous system in promoting range of motion. +How to creative active mobility around your joints to keep you free from injury and stress
  • Why supine sit ups and variations do not translate into a functional and strong core and how you can better create stability and mobility through the spine
  • Why the transition is far more beneficial than the static pose.
  • How the breath influences the sensation of tightness

Investment: $60

Earlybird pricing until Oct 26th: $50